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We use a number of highly-effective adjusting approaches to help improve spinal bio-mechanics and reduce nervous system interference. The approach we use is based on our clinical judgment and years of experience. The primary adjusting techniques we use include:

1. Activator Methods®


2. Foot Levelers Orthodics

Activator Methods®

We begin by analyzing how well your spine moves. We test how well you turn and bend. While you’re lying face down, we’ll evaluate the length of your legs. This simple procedure can reveal significant differences in leg lengths. Click here to try a simple leg-length home test. This time-tested protocol tells us if vertebral subluxation complexes exist and their location. It also helps us know when to adjust and when not to adjust.

The Adjusting Instrument

The Activator Methods® Adjusting Instrument is a handheld spring-loaded tool that delivers a consistent low-force, high-speed thrust. Because it’s many times faster than adjustments delivered by hand, the body rarely tightens to resist, making adjustments comfortable and effective. It’s also helpful for adjusting elbows, wrists, knees and other joints of the body.


Activator Instrument: the hand-held instrument delivers a precise, repeatable force at just the right angle.

The Follow Up

After your adjustment, we retest to make sure changes have been produced. Testing afterwards helps us deliver high-quality care and high levels of patient satisfaction.

Foot Levelers Orthotics

                                Weight-Bearing Scanning

First, we use a high-tech digital scanner to take a picture of your feet while you are standing in a normal, weight-bearing stance. This image records areas of stress on each foot. They are used to analyze your feet. Up to 16 different data points are used to create a unique, one-of-a-kind shoe insert designed for your specific postural or structural challenge.

                        Better Posture Starts With Your Feet

These are custom shoe inserts that support all three arches in your feet. This creates a healthier, more attractive posture, plus a more stable foundation for your entire body. Though they may go unnoticed, these subtle imbalances can contribute to postural misalignment, knee pain, hip problems, head tilt, forward leaning head carriage and general fatigue. Best of all, not only do they work great, they feel great!

It surprises many that we will often focus on the feet, when the problem seems located in the neck or lower back. Yet, your pelvis and feet are the foundation of your spine. Problems in one area can create compensatory problems in the other. That’s why we often recommend Foot Leveler Spinal Pelvic Stabilizers.

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